droplet is founded on the Core Values of


We believe in the right to privacy of community members from both the public domain and from droplet. A key function is the “opt-in” model rather than the “opt-out” model employed by a majority of digital platforms.


We believe in the right of the public to know what droplet is doing, how it is doing it and why it is doing it. This is accomplished in multiple ways including through feedback channels directly to droplet as well as open board meetings discussing openly and candidly the important issues at stake.


We believe that everyone has the right to autonomy and health. This encompasses not only mental health and well-being but physical, spiritual and emotional as well. The emotion wheel is a tool that will help you be mindful of your state and track it in a private journal.


We believe in the freedom of speech AND communication integrity. Importantly, freedom of speech is not the same thing as freedom of reach. We believe in doing the right thing even when no one is looking.

Ground-Breaking Announcement!!!

We’re thrilled to announce the ground-breaking of droplet as a digital platform!

Today, Thursday, June 17th, 2021, we started the next step of the journey, developing a digital space that’s community focused, socially conscious, ethically driven.

We can’t be more excited to be collaborating with Justin Emery as the lead Freelance Software Developer.

Check out Justin’s other projects here:

connect with us

Interested in connecting, discussing, collaborating, volunteering? Let us know – we’re always looking to connect.

you are not a drop in the ocean

you are the entire ocean in a drop